Deep Cleaning
If you are hosting a big event, cleaning the house for spring, or simply looking for a much-needed and thorough clean, you’re going to need a helping hand.
Our deep home cleaning solutions can fit your needs. We offer deep cleaning any size home from multifamily houses, condos, apartments to short-term rental properties in Florida. We offer one-time deep cleaning services or can schedule it on a recurring basis throughout the year.
There are many reasons you may need a Deep Cleaning. Some common ones include:
Countertops looking dull or dingy
Tile surfaces looking dirty or old
Dust build up
Odors won't go away
Allergies appearing or been worse lately
Hosting an event or party
Buildup of grime and/or dirt
Before you move into a new home
Before you move out of a home or apartment
Post home remodel cleanup or more
High dusting on walls and crown molding
Dust ceiling fan (wipe if necessary)
Baseboards and doors (hand wipe)
Wipe all surfaces and window sills
Dust blinds
Tidy up room and bed
Floors (sweep, vacuum, mop)
Hand wiping blinds
Replacing/changing sheets
Inside and outside oven & microwave
Countertop and backsplash
On top of refrigerator
Outside of refrigerator
Other kitchen appliances on countertops
(keurig, toaster, air fryer, etc.) -
Base boards (hand wipe)
Any high dusting
Floors (sweep, vacuum, mop)
Living Space:
High dusting
Dust ceiling fans and light fixtures
Wipe all surfaces and window sills
Baseboards and doors (hand wipe)
Tidy up any clutter
(fold blankets, straighten nik naks, etc.) -
Wipe inside sliding glass doors
Dust blinds
Floors (sweep, vacuum, mop)
Scrub tub and shower
Countertops and mirrors
Outside cabinets
Baseboards and doors (hand wipe)
Toilet top to bottom
Any dusting
Floors (sweep, vacuum, mop)